New Game Patch - 17 Mar 2025

Pangya Debug Private Server Season 8
Please join our Discord to get latest update
Debug Pangya Discord
Pangya Debug Server Information
Starting Pangs & Cookies: 10.000.000
Starting Level : Pro E
Youtube Channel : View here
Server Game Information
TM+Approach Server
Mainly used for shop, mailbox, papel shop, scratchy card, memorial shop, caddie cauldron, char mastery
Tournament & Tournament 2 Server
Mainly used for Tournament mode (Normal/Short), Special Shuffle Course Tournament, and Gran Prix Tournament
Versus Server
Mainly used for normal Versus mode
Battle Versus mode is not applicable in this server
GM Event Information
Every Tuesday & Friday/Saturday
(Schedule can be vary - and can be changed)
(Please seek announcement from our Facebook/Discord)
To participate, please fill up the registration form provided through Facebook page/Discord
Server Rules and Terms of Service

Debug Pangya is Pangya Private Server Season 8. We offer exclusive custom-content game item. Come and Check us out!
To support for our server, you can help through donation by clicking link below.
​Donation payment method are through Paypal *)
*For Indonesian player, we can receive payment method beside PayPal - please contact Chubby at Discord for more info*
To receive your donation item, please provide screenshot recipe of the payment transaction, Login ID to our email golfpangyaproject@gmail.com

In order to play Debug Pangya Fresh Up Season, please download both client and patch file. File information:
- PangyaUS_851.rar : Debug Pangya client file
- debug-patch.zip : Debug Pangya patch file
For player that experiencing "No Archive Found" when extract the patch, please use latest WinRAR (5.5 and up) or 7Zip.
Debug Pangya Patch Info (17 MAR 2025 UPDATE)+ServerPromo
Pangya Debug Patch Release Notes - [click here]
Client File (all player must download client game for 24 Feb 2025 Update) - latest game version already included in the client game
[Download Here] - PangyaUS_851.rar
[Download Here] - [US] Play PangYa! KR mode.7z (KR Client-24Feb2025)
[Download Here - Alternative Link] - PangyaUS_851.rar
[Download Here - Alternative Link 2] - PangyaUS_851.rar
[Download Here - Alternative Link 3] - PangyaUS_851.rar
[Download Here - Alternative Link 4] - PangyaUS_851.rar
Patch File (17 March 2025)
[Download here] - debug-patch.zip
[Download here - Alternative Link] - debug-patch.zip
[Download here - Alternative Link 2] - debug-patch.zip
​​Registry File
(This must be downloaded and run after installation of client file)
Debug Pangya Client Installation Video Guide

Pangya Debug Server - Frequently Asked Questions:
Q : After login , my client game closes.
A : Since there's change/update in our game client file per 16 February 2025, all player must and require to download new client. doing fresh installation is the recommended solution in order new client game can work properly.
- Remove the old client debug pangya folder entirely
- Download the new game client file from featured post/pinned post
- Extract the new game client file
- Re-run and re-apply again the registry file
Registry file link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m_KhPKGzNFOMfZL7PZOHlvUpMubRjZOj/view?usp=sharing
- Restart computer
Q : I start the game, i receive "Please reinstall the game and run the update program first"
A : You need to download PANGYADEBUG-REG.ZIP from the download folder, extract this file once downloaded, and - If your Windows 32-bit, open the folder "For Win-32bit" and click regproject.reg file - If your Windows 64-bit, open the folder "For Win-64bit" and click regproject.reg file Download Link : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1m_KhPKGzNFOMfZL7PZOHlvUpMubRjZOj
Q : "Please create character First!" when click Login in Debug Center app
A : You need to start the game first, create nickname and create/choose 1 character inside game first then you can use Login system in Debug Center
Q : I tried "Reset Password" on Debug Center but its not giving any response
A : "Reset Password" function still NOT AVAILABLE in Debug Center, so in order to reset password you need to:
1. Send email to golfpangyaproject@gmail.com using the SAME EMAIL ADDRESS your account registered with
2. Within the email, you NEED to provide LOGIN ID. Game staff will reply your response via email. So be sure to check our response through email.
Q : When I launch game, I got error "Operation did not complete successfully because file contains virus or potentially unwanted software" or "The system cannot find the file specified"
A : Your Antivirus/Firewall detects our game application file as false-positive alarm since Debug Pangya is using custom repackage file for packaging our game contents/file. To disable the false-positive alarm, solution is to add Exclusion Filter rule to your Antivirus/Firewall. Below link is the step by step on how to add Exclusion Filter rule to your antivirus/firewall for WINDOWS DEFENDER (the default windows program) - (for other AV/Firewall, you might want to perform research in Google to find the feature of Exclusion Filter): [Download Here]. After had done / perform exclusion filter, you can try to re-extract again our game file (in this case patch game file debug-patch.zip) back into your Debug Pangya Game folder.
For other Antivirus/Firewall, please see Knowledge Base (KB) from your product website
Q : When I play the game, server not responding and when I relog my account, I cannot see the server selection list.
A : The server might have some problem and it cause your previous session get stuck on that particular server.
To release your session:
* Log out your account in-game first
* Go to Debug Center and login your account
* Click "Kick Character" button to release your session
* Re-login back again into the game and choose other server that is still online/playable until game staff fix the problematic game server.
Q : I have "Debug Gacha Coin" in my Inventory, what should I do? A : "Debug Gacha Coin" in your inventory (My Room Passive) can be transferred into your Debug Center Gacha profile with 2 ways: Option 1 - contact GM Chubby by Discord or PM on Facebook page and please inform your LOGIN ID + the number of gacha coin you would like to convert . We will help to perform conversion/transfer process
Option 2 - wait for server maintenance schedule