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Debug Lucky Pouch #5


Available in 1$, 5$, and 10$


Normal Item : Debug Lucky Set #1 - Debug Lucky Set #5

Rare Item :
2. PangyaxWaguruma Collaboration
3. Spirit Set Item

4. Ancient Style Set Item

5. Dragon Tamer Glove

6. Gold Ancient Ear Cuff

7. Plume Voice Clubset


*) PangyaxWaguruma available for Hana R, Cecilia R, Kooh, Arin, Lucia, Nell, Spika

*) Spirit Set available for Hana R, Cecilia R, Kooh, Arin, Lucia, Nell, Spika

*) Ancient Style Set available for R Char, Azer, Max, Kooh, Arin, Kaz, Lucia, Nell and Spika

*) Dragon Tamer Glove available for all character + R Char

*) Gold Ancient Ear Cuff available for all character + R Char

*) Plume Voice Clubset (3 variant)
** The item of Gold Ancient Ear Cuff will not have the same ability like the original item did. Instead, the stat will be +2 slot for all stat and the ability will have the same ability like Dragon Tamer Glove

1$ (5 boxes)
5$ (25 boxes)
10$ (50+10 boxes)

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